1 Why buying at lamieleria.com?
- Because we have dedicated many years to the production and sale of honey.
- It´s easy and fast. From your home, workplace or anywhere you have internet access.
- Without intermediaries. We make our own honey, with care and craftsmanship. Check our prices!!
2 How long does it take for an order to arrive to Madrid?
- 24 Hours. If you place your order before 4pm, you will have your order at home within 24 hours. (Ony for orders paid via paypal or debir/credit card)
- We ship all our orders by transport agency, so if you are not at home at the time of delivery, the carrier will contact you to arrange a new delivery time.
The team behind lamieleria.com
3 How can I pay?
There is several ways to pay:
- By debit/credit card or PayPal. The fastest way. The order before 4pm and you will have your order at home within 24h.
4 More questions…
At lamieleria.com we want the experience of browsing through our website to be as enjoyable as possible so we provide various ways of assisting our clients in case they need some extra help.
- Help section: In the Help section, you can find frequently asked questions about our web.
- Messages: If you still have doubts, you can leave us a message here and we will answer as soon as possible.
- Contact telephone: You can call us at (+34) 965 590 334 between the hours of 9am to 2pm, and 4pm to 7pm, Monday to Friday. We will be delighted to help you with anything we can.
If you are looking for a shop selling honey in Madrid, you are in the right place!
Honey shops in Madrid – Mostoles – Alcalá de Henares – Fuenlabrada – Leganés – Getafe -Alcorcón – Parla -Torrejón de Ardoz – Alcobendas – Coslada – Las Rozas -Pozuelo de Alarcón – Alcobendas – San Sebastián de los Reyes – Rivas-Vaicamadrid – Majadahonda -Collado Villalba – Valdemoro – Aranjuez – Arganda del Rey – Boadilla del Monte – Colmenar Viejo – Pinto – San Fernando de Henares – Tres Cantos – Galapagar – Villaviciosa de Odon -Cienpozuelos – Mejorada del Campo -Torrelodones – Algete – Navalcarnero – El Escorial – Sierra Madrileña – Guadalajara – Toledo – Alcarria