Raw unfiltered honey

Raw unfiltered honey 

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Raw unfiltered Spanish...

La Miel Cruda de Azahar sin Filtrar ofrece un producto de alta calidad y sabor incomparable. Esta miel es producida por las abejas que recolectan el néctar de las flores de azahar, que crecen en los campos de cítricos de todo el mundo. La miel se obtiene directamente del panal, y no se somete a ningún proceso de filtrado o pasteurización, lo que significa que mantiene todos sus nutrientes y propiedades naturales.

La miel de azahar cruda sin filtrar es conocida por su sabor dulce y floral, con un delicado aroma a cítricos y un color claro y dorado. Es una opción perfecta para los amantes de la miel que buscan una alternativa natural y saludable al azúcar procesado.

Raw unfiltered Spanish...

The unfiltered raw heather honey we offer in our shop is 100% natural and harvested in Spain using traditional methods. It is produced from the nectar of heather flowers that grow in the fields of the Iberian Peninsula and is obtained directly from the hive without undergoing any filtering or pasteurisation process.

This unfiltered raw heather honey is known for its strong, sweet flavour, with an intense floral aroma and a dark, syrupy colour. It is an ideal choice for those seeking a bold and unique taste in their honey.

Raw unfiltered Spanish...

The lavender honey we make is raw and unprocessed. It has a light colour and a mild flavour reminiscent of lavender flowers. It is not very sweet and has a herbal hint. The honey is thick but spreads well.

We produce it ourselves, taking care of the bees and lavender fields. We do not heat or filter it extensively, so it retains its natural nutrients. It is a pure honey that preserves pollen and enzymes. Many prefer it for its potential health benefits and natural flavour.

Raw unfiltered Spanish...

Unfiltered raw rosemary honey in our honey shop offers a natural, high-quality product. This honey is produced from the nectar of rosemary flowers that grow in the fields of Spain. It is obtained directly from the hive without undergoing any filtering or pasteurisation process, meaning it retains all its natural properties and nutrients.

Unfiltered rosemary honey is known for its strong, herbal flavour, with a distinctive rosemary aroma and a dark golden colour. It is a popular choice for those seeking an intense and complex taste in their honey.

Raw unfiltered Spanish...

This honey is produced from the nectar of thyme flowers that grow in the fields of Spain. It is obtained directly from the hive without undergoing any filtering or pasteurisation process, meaning it retains all its natural properties and nutrients.

Unfiltered raw thyme honey is known for its delicate, floral flavour, with a fresh herbal aroma and a light amber colour. It is a perfect choice for those seeking a mild and pleasant taste in their honey. Additionally, this honey is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

s produced from the nectar of thyme flowers that grow in the fields of Spain. It is obtained directly from the hive without undergoing any filtering or pasteurisation process, meaning it retains all its natural properties and nutrients.

Unfiltered raw thyme honey is known for its delicate, floral flavour, with a fresh herbal aroma and a light amber colour. It is a perfect choice for those seeking a mild and pleasant taste in their honey. Additionally, this honey is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

In our honey shop, you'll find 100% natural, raw unfiltered honey, harvested using traditional methods. Every jar of raw unfiltered honey we sell is an authentic, unadulterated product that retains all its natural properties and nutrients.

Raw unfiltered honey is obtained directly from the hive, without undergoing any filtering or pasteurisation...

In our honey shop, you'll find 100% natural, raw unfiltered honey, harvested using traditional methods. Every jar of raw unfiltered honey we sell is an authentic, unadulterated product that retains all its natural properties and nutrients.

Raw unfiltered honey is obtained directly from the hive, without undergoing any filtering or pasteurisation process. This means it preserves its natural and authentic flavour, which varies depending on the type of flowers used in its production. Additionally, this honey is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

We use traditional methods to harvest raw unfiltered honey, which means respecting the natural cycle of bees and promoting biodiversity in flower fields. This also ensures that our raw unfiltered honey is produced sustainably and in an environmentally friendly way.

In short, our raw unfiltered honey is a natural and authentic product that offers a unique taste and a range of health benefits. It's perfect for use in teas, marinades, dressings, and desserts, or simply to enjoy on its own as a healthy and delicious sweetener. Try it today and discover the purity and quality of this unique honey, harvested using traditional methods.